Richard Emeny

Richard Emeny read English at Merton College, Oxford, and has had a particular interest in Edward Thomas, his contemporaries and historical context. He has written or edited books on or by Thomas such as Edward Thomas on the Georgians, Four and Twenty Blackbirds and co-edited a bibliographical checklist of Thomas’s works. Among his other publications is  A Fragile Beauty: The Camden Town Group in the Blackdown Hills 1909-1925
Life in Pictures

Edward Thomas: a Life in Pictures

Celebrated by his peers for an intensity of vision that spoke to a generation devastated by war, the poet, prose writer and literary critic Edward Thomas (1878-1917) was only posthumously recognised for the scale of his achievements. At the age of thirty-nine he was killed in the Arras offensive on Easter Monday 1917, leaving behind a radiant body of work that explored the natural world, honoured rural tradition, challenged modernity, and contemplated mortality. Tracing the course of Thomas's life and that of his family and friends with numerous illustrations, this visual biography features photographs, printed material, maps and original letters, many...
