Thomas Dilworth

Thomas Dilworth is a Killam Fellow and a Professor in the English Department at the University of Windsor, Ontario. He has published widely on Modern literature and Romantic poetry and is the author of The Shape of Meaning in the Poetry of David Jones (1988), which won the British Council Prize in the Humanities, and Reading David Jones (2008).

He edited Inner Necessities: the Letters of David Jones to Desmond Chute (1984), and David Jones’s Wedding Poems (2002) and his illustrated Rime of the Ancient Mariner (2005) both published by Enitharmon. He published critical introductions and afterwords for bilingual (English/French) editions of The Anathemata, The Sleeping Lord and The Ancient Mariner and in 2017 his definitive biography of Jones was published.

David Jones in the Great War

David Jones in the Great War

David Jones in the Great War The great modernist artist and poet David Jones grew up in Brockley, London. He finished art school in the summer of 1913, ready to pursue a career as an artist. But then Britain declared war on Germany, and Jones joined the army. He was sent to France in 1915, serving in the same regiment as Robert Graves; unlike him, however, he was a private, a rank he kept throughout the war. Now, thanks to Thomas Dilworth's painstaking research, including scores of personal interviews, Jones's story can be told in detail. Accompanying the text are photographs of...
