Nina Parish

Nina Parish

is a Senior Lecturer in French Studies at the University of Bath, UK. Her research interests include twentieth and twenty-first-century French literature and the visual arts and in particular modernism, the avant-garde, modern and contemporary poetry (including digital practice) and the artists book. She has published a monograph (Henri Michaux: Experimentation with Signs (Rodopi, 2007)) and various articles on these subjects.

With Emma Wagstaff (see entry below), she co-edited, alongside Hugues Azérad and Michael G. Kelly, Poetic Practice and the Practice of Poetics in French since 1945 (=spec. iss. of French Forum, 37, 1-2 (2012), and Chantiers du poèmes : Prémisses et pratiques de la création poétique contemporaine (Oxford: Peter Lang, 2012). From 2012 to 2015, Nina Parish and Emma Wagstaff organised an international research network, funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council, on interdisciplinary connections in contemporary French poetic practice (

Writing the Real: A Bilingual Anthology of Contemporary French Poetry

Since the 1960s, poetry in French has been understood in terms of two competing approaches: searching for ‘presence’ on the one hand, ‘litte?ralite?’ – refiguring the everyday – on the other. Contemporary forms of both are found in this anthology, from the ‘new lyricism’ of Bonhomme and Maulpoix to the refracted politics of ‘post-poetry’ in Tarkos and Gleize. The dichotomy, however, quickly breaks down and many poets refuse to be categorised in this way: recent publications include the interdisciplinary and collaborative work of poets such as Alferi, Chaton, Game and Macher; the focus on formal constraint in Me?tail and Espitallier;...
