Lucy Newlyn

Lucy Newlyn was born in Uganda, grew up in Leeds, and read English at Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford. She is now Professor of English Language and Literature at Oxford University, and a Fellow of St Edmund Hall. She has published widely on English Romantic Literature, including four books with Oxford University Press, and the Cambridge Companion to Coleridge. Together with Guy Cuthbertson, she edited Branch Lines: Edward Thomas and Contemporary Poetry for Enitharmon. Her book Reading Writing and Romanticism: The Anxiety of Reception (O.U.P, 2000) won the British Academy’s Rose Mary Crawshay prize in 2001. Her first collection Ginnel (Carcanet) was published in 2005. She and her family live in Oxford, but they spend much of their time in Cornwall.
Earth's Almanac

Earth's Almanac

Earth's Almanac The poems in Newlyn's book emerged over a fifteen-year period following the untimely death of the poet's sister. She adapts the form of the 'Shepherd's Calendar' to the phases of grief, condensing a long process of reflection and remembering into the passage of a single year. The poems shift through forms and move between places – Oxford, Borrowdale, and finally Cornwall, where the poet finds a second home near the sea. In these intense expressions of love and loss, anger and guilt, there is no smooth path towards consolation.  
