Sebastian Barker

Sebastian Barker (1945 – 2014) was the author of fourteen volumes of poetry, as well as three collections of philosophical, theological and cultural essays. Chairman of the Poetry Society 1988-1992, he was a Hawthornden Fellow, a Royal Literary Fund Fellow, and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature. He has worked as a writer-in-residence and was editor of The London Magazine from 2002 to 2008.

The Land of Gold

Sebastian Barker’s final collection weaves a rich tapestry from the powerful themes that have always been central human questions: how we make our journey through life, how we love those around us, what the nature of belief and of our own mortality is. In the opening sequence, Barker contrasts life’s ecstasies with the certainty of loss; in The Land of Gold he travels through the blazing spiritual landscapes of South-West France; while in ‘The Tablets of the Bread’ he faces the temptations of despair head on. All these themes then receive a masterly summation in ‘A Monastery of Light’, where...
