Peter Blake

Peter Blake is one of the best-loved artists of his generation, working as a figurative painter, collagist, sculptor and printmaker. He was born in 1932 in Dartford, Kent, and attended the Royal College of Art in London from 1953 to 1956. By the time he featured in Ken Russell’s BBC Monitor film Pop Goes the Easel in 1962 he was already a key and influential member of the Pop Art movement. After living from 1969 to 1979 in Avon, where he and his first wife were founder members of the Brotherhood of Ruralists, he returned to London, marrying the artist Chrissy Wilson. He was elected an RA and a Royal Designer for Industry in 1981, and two years later was awarded the CBE. He was made associate artist at the National Gallery in 1994 and was knighted in 2002. Retrospectives of his work have taken place in Amsterdam (touring to Hamburg, Brussels and Arnhem in 1973-4), at the Tate Gallery in London (1983) and at Tate Liverpool (2007, touring to the Museo de Bellas Artes in Bilbao in 2008). He curated an exhibition titled About Collage for Tate Liverpool in 2000, and his own highly inventive collages have reached an audience of millions, most notably for the cover art of Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band.

Under Milk Wood Fine Leather Binding with 3 Signed Original Prints

Internationally acclaimed for its eccentricity and widely admired for its lovelorn lyricism, Dylan Thomas’s groundbreaking 1954 ‘play for voices’, Under Milk Wood, has long echoed in the imagination of the founding father of British Pop Art, Sir Peter Blake. This ‘greenleaved sermon on the innocence of men’ has filled the spaces of Blake’s studio, played and replayed aloud. It also prompted several pilgrimages to Thomas’s creative refuge at Laugharne, Carmarthenshire. Blake’s obsession with Under Milk Wood has spanned well over 30 years, hence the rich volume of material published here. Revealed here with the definitive play text are the ‘dismays and rainbows’ of this great...
Ink-jet prints


Venice Fantasies: de luxe edition

Sir Peter Blake’s Venice Fantasies, made in his mid-seventies with the same lightness of touch and fresh eye that has distinguished all his work, are marked by his characteristic wry humour and unerring sense of the absurd. Fifty years after his first trip to the most magical of Italian cities, Blake returned to Venice in 2007. Subsequently he created this series of affectionate and often frankly preposterous tributes to the city. Taking as his cue the Surrealist collages of Max Ernst and others, he engages in the same sort of time travel and unlikely alliances that marked his celebrated cover design...
Silkscreen print


Paris Escapades: de luxe edition

Paris Escapades is a beautiful book of Paris collages by Sir Peter Blake. In this enjoyable edition, Blake demonstrates his unerring gift for unexpected juxtapositions and visual story-telling. His collages demonstrate an almost childlike enthusiasm for Paris and an eye no less acute for having a permanent twinkle. Many familiar Paris monuments feature, while submerged in extraordinary events that turn them into the stuff of dreams. There is enough air of reality in some pictures, such as the Seine freezing over, to entrap the unwary spectator. Elephants hover above Notre Dame, and Paris becomes populated by the rich imagination of a...
Ink-jet print


Under Milk Wood: de luxe edition

Internationally acclaimed for its eccentricity and widely admired for its lovelorn lyricism, Dylan Thomas’s groundbreaking 1954 ‘play for voices’, Under Milk Wood, has long echoed in the imagination of the founding father of British Pop Art, Sir Peter Blake. This ‘greenleaved sermon on the innocence of men’ has filled the spaces of Blake’s studio, played and replayed aloud. It also prompted several pilgrimages to Thomas’s creative refuge at Laugharne, Carmarthenshire. Blake’s obsession with Under Milk Wood has spanned well over 30 years, hence the rich volume of material published here. Revealed here with the definitive play text are the ‘dismays and rainbows’ of this great artist’s richly...
Ink-jet print
