Enitharmon Editions > Books > Signed Limited Editions > The Great Bell: Signed Limited Edition

The Great Bell: Signed Limited Edition


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Dimensions: 167 x 245mm
ISBN: 978-1-910392-05-8
Pages: 38
Format: Signed Limited Edition
Edition size: 150
Medium: Chapbook

John Montague writes: ‘Younger writers need older ones to look up to; or at least I did, lacking a father in the ordinary sense. And pilgrimages of that imaginative kind give meaning to one’s reading and travel. For years, I would call to see the great poet and artist David Jones (1895-1974) in London, first in his dugout; then in hospital and finally in the Calvary Nursing Home. I loved his detailed gentle mind, so different from the tactical ferocity of Hugh MacDiarmid, another Celtic master I was fond of. Our link was René Hague, a neighbour from East Cork, an old china of David Jones. He was married to a daughter of Eric Gill, and their Shanagarry home was a delicious port of call: the Greek and Latin calligraphy on the walls, the home brew and home-made bread. I would bring news of them to David; then we would move to more general considerations: Ireland, Wales, the world and its gods (Christian and otherwise). Much of our conversation I committed to memory, but when I was especially moved I took notes, as discreetly as I could. Like many writers, his speech was rhythmic, a kind of poetry in the rough; so that the cantilevered structure of the cantos in The Great Bell follows the cadences of our exchanges.’

Each copy is uniquely bound in handmade marbled wrappers by Jemma Lewis. The text paper, provided by Graham Williams of the Florin Press, is 120gsm Basingwerk Suede.


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