Stephen Watts

Stephen Watts

is a poet, translator and editor. His works include The Lava’s Curl (1990), Gramsci & Caruso (2003), The Blue Bag (2004), Mountain Language (2008), Journey Across Breath (2011) and Ancient Sunlight (2014). Watts is well respected as a translator, particularly of poets living in exile, and his own work has been translated into many languages and valued beyond his mother tongue.

Ancient Sunlight

The poems of Ancient Sunlight range in theme and space from the inner East End of London – where the poet has lived for over thirty years – with its complex richnesses of cultures and the often brutal pains of its regeneration, to great European cities such as Prague and the Italian mountains of his family origins. It is a poetry that marries personal acuity with deep communal awareness, reflecting his work as a poet in schools, hospitals, galleries, drop-in centres, urban and moorland fastnesses, and the wilder places of the human heart. This is a generous, passionate poetry of...
