Michael Hamburger

Poet, translator and critic, Michael Hamburger was born in Berlin in 1924 to a German-Jewish family that emigrated to England in 1933. He read Modern Languages at Oxford, though his studies were interrupted by service as an infantryman from 1943-47. He has won many prizes and awards for his translations, including the Schlegel-Tieck prize three times, and has translated – among others – from Baudelaire, Celan, Hölderlin and Enzensberger. His critical study, The Truth of Poetry was published in 1969 and his Collected Poems in 1984. Michael Hamburger died on 7 June 2007.
Take Over

The Take-Over: Signed Limited Edition

The Take-Over owes its origin to a dream experienced by the author some years ago. A nightmare described in his foreword as 'recognizably relevant to changes in our social and public life… when the story was written.' The setting is a capital city after a coup. The protagonist, a writer, is forbidden to write and instead is appointed court fool, answerable to the Director of the state. A Director who provides so inappropriate a role that it consequently drives our writer to the ultimate act of defiance.   Special signed editions are too valuable to send out via regular postage channels. We therefore use a courier...
